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Your trip is now confirmed


We are so blessed by your decision to join us on a OneHope Teams trip and are excited about the opportunity for your team to minister to children and youth. There is something very special about the chance to personally give God’s Word to a child — perhaps bringing them the Gospel for the very first time. 

Now what?

My Trip is confirmed

Find out more about:

  • OneHope’s ministry around the world

  • Roles of the trip

  • Required Paperwork for your team members

  • And more!

Have you filled out all of the required paperwork?

Must be completed by each team member age 18 and older. Full completion of this form includes signatures from two witnesses. The Health Information section of the Assumption of Risk Form is required. Please have them complete this section in full, as it is critical that we have medical background information on file. Have them note any medications they are taking, allergies (including foods), immunization records, and any current health issues.
All team members age 18 and older must undergo a mandatory background check from Accurate Background before going on the mission field. Please make sure they complete this form.
Must be completed for each team member who is under the age of 18 at the time of trip departure. Parents or legal guardians of the minor must complete the form in full and have it witnessed by a notary public. This form replaces the Assumption of Risk form for minors participating in the trip.
A photocopy of each team member’s passport will be needed to keep on file at the OneHope office. We also recommend each team member keeping a copy of the information page in their luggage in case passports are lost while traveling.